21 Types of Consultants and What They Earn
Jul 01, 2023
Wherever there are organizations, changes, or challenges, there are consultants.
There are many types of consultants. You must know where you fit in the business ecology, who you might partner with, and know how the marketplace values each type of consulting.
You need to know the types of consultants because,
- Being a “general” consultant without a niche is a long, dry road to starvation
- You can team with consultants adjacent and complimentary to your skills to create an agile agency
- The following information will help you set fees for your consulting
What Do Consultants Do?
If you are new to consulting and are looking at the salaries and incomes in the following tables, you should first be clear on what a consultant is.
Coaches are not consultants. Coaches work with individuals to transform the individual.
Freelancers are not consultants. Freelancers are professionals who work for hourly fees and are told by the employer exactly what, how, and where to do their work.
Consultants give expert advice within specific knowledge domains. The domain could be business, organizational, technical, scientific, etc. They work at all levels in an organization, from the boardroom to the shop floor.
On occasion, consultants do more than advise. They may facilitate teams, manage projects, and execute high-level skills adjacent to their core consulting. They may do the specialized work necessary to reach an objective they are advising on. For example, with mid-sized clients, I was frequently hired to facilitate corporate strategy with executive teams. The scope would then expand to developing objectives and metrics with department heads. That was all within the normal scope of consulting, but the IT departments of small and mid-sized companies often could not develop data analytics and real-time dashboards. At that point, I sometimes coded the performance dashboards using my prior skills as one of Microsoft's first consultants.
Types of Consultants
The following section lists 21 types of consultants, a short description, and the latest average USA salary for an employee with that level of skill and contribution. While there are hundreds of types of consultants, this listing only includes data for,
- Brand Consultant
- Business Consultant
- Communications Consultant
- Compliance Consultant
- Construction Consultant
- Digital Transformation Consultant
- eCommerce Consultant
- Educational Consultant
- Environmental Consultant
- Financial Consultant
- Human Resources (HR) Consultant
- Information Technology (IT) Consultant
- Legal Consultant
- Management Consultant
- Operations Consultant
- Process Consultant
- Public Relations Consultant
- Sales Consultant
- Strategy Consultant
- Supply Chain Consultant
- Sustainability Consultant
DO NOT assume these employee salaries are the fees an independent consultant would charge. Use the employee salaries shown here as a baseline for calculating an upper and lower fee for independent consultants of equivalent experience and education.
Independent consultant fees are much higher than an employee's salary. An employee's salary is only a small part of what an employee costs the employer. As a result, a normal rule of thumb is multiplying an equivalent employee salary by 2X to 3X to find the fee for an independent consultant.
As an independent consultant, you need to adjust an employee's salary to include costs paid by the employer that you will now pay as an independent. These include overhead costs, profit margin, marketing and sales, health insurance, and non-billed hours for education, vacation, and sickness. A quick Rule of Thumb to convert an employee salary to independent consultant billing rate is multiplying the salary rate for your niche and specialty by 2X to 3X. Remember, you are not an employee. You are a business with overhead and expenses not shown in the salary.
Learn how to calculate your consulting rates at,
Calculating Consulting Fees
The fees in the following descriptions come from Indeed and their survey of salaries in major US cities. You can adjust the salaries for your nearest large USA city by typing the city in the Where box on the “Indeed Build a Career You’ll Love” page.
Brand Consultant
A company’s brand is its image and face to the public. A brand consultant manages areas that build that image in the public’s mind.
Brand consultants work on Public Relations, manage company images and logos, and work with the press and event sponsors. Brand consultants find channels and ways to present the company to the public that reinforce the company’s image, products, and services. A great example of brand consulting work is Red Bull’s sponsorship of extreme sporting events, such as sky diving from outer space. Red Bull reinforces its appeal to adventurous young adults.
Brand Consultant Salary
Find out what the most current salaries are for employees working in a similar function to you as a consultant by going to
The average salary for a brand consultant employed and on salary was $87,170. This was from a survey of 161 salaries reported to www.Indeed.com in the United States on June 3, 2022. No bonus was reported.
This is the salary for a company employee. It does not include what an employer pays in benefits, unemployment taxes, and vacation/sick time.
Adjusting for Independent Consultant
As an independent consultant, you need to adjust an employee's salary to include costs paid by the employer that you will now pay as an independent. These include overhead costs, profit margin, marketing and sales, health insurance, and non-billed hours for education, vacation, and sickness. A quick Rule of Thumb to convert an employee salary to independent consultant billing rate is multiplying the salary rate for your niche and specialty by 2X to 3X. Remember, you are not an employee. You are a business with overhead and expenses not shown in the salary.
Learn how to calculate your consulting rates at,
Calculating Consulting Fees
Business Consultant
A business consultant is not a general management consultant who claims to be an expert at “all things business.”
Business consultants take a holistic view of an organization’s entire structure, hierarchy, and operations and identify ways to improve the workflow throughout the organization. To be a business consultant takes many years of experience working at many levels of the organization. Business consultants often work with other consultants who work in specific niches to reach an overarching objective.
Business Consultant Salary
Find out what the most current salaries are for employees working in a similar function to you as a consultant by going to,
The average salary for a business consultant employed and on salary was $76,031. This was from a survey of 1,200 salaries reported to www.Indeed.com in the United States on June 16, 2022. There was an additional $13,500 profit sharing.
This is the salary for a company employee. It does not include what an employer pays in benefits, unemployment taxes, and vacation/sick time.
Adjusting for Independent Consultant
As an independent consultant, you need to adjust an employee's salary to include costs paid by the employer that you will now pay as an independent. These include overhead costs, profit margin, marketing and sales, health insurance, and non-billed hours for education, vacation, and sickness. A quick Rule of Thumb to convert an employee salary to independent consultant billing rate is multiplying the salary rate for your niche and specialty by 2X to 3X. Remember, you are not an employee. You are a business with overhead and expenses not shown in the salary.
Learn how to calculate your consulting rates at,
Calculating Consulting Fees
Communications Consultant
Communication consultants develop content and channels for public relations and internal and external communications. They often work with executives and managers to produce content that has the message the organization wants.
Communications Consultant Salary
Find out what the most current salaries are for employees working in a similar function to you as a consultant by going to,
The average salary for a communication consultant employed and on salary was $69,297. This was from a survey of 90 salaries reported to www.Indeed.com in the United States on June 16, 2022. No bonus was reported.
This is the salary for a company employee. It does not include what an employer pays in benefits, unemployment taxes, and vacation/sick times.
Adjusting for Independent Consultant
As an independent consultant, you need to adjust an employee's salary to include costs paid by the employer that you will now pay as an independent. These include overhead costs, profit margin, marketing and sales, health insurance, and non-billed hours for education, vacation, and sickness. A quick Rule of Thumb to convert an employee salary to independent consultant billing rate is multiplying the salary rate for your niche and specialty by 2X to 3X. Remember, you are not an employee. You are a business with overhead and expenses not shown in the salary.
Learn how to calculate your consulting rates at,
Calculating Consulting Fees
Compliance Consultant
Compliance consultants help organizations meet federal and local regulations and laws. Violating these laws in many cases is not only unethical and poor public relations it can involve substantial penalties.
Compliance consultants stay current on difficult-to-understand and changing regulations and help organizations judge what they can and cannot do. One way in which compliance consultants help organizations stay on track is to develop compliance training and manuals for use by operational managers.
Compliance Consultant Salary
Find out what the most current salaries are for employees working in a similar function to you as a consultant by going to
The average salary for a compliance consultant employed and on salary was $93,422. This was from a survey of 103 salaries reported to www.Indeed.com in the United States on June 14, 2022. No bonus was reported.
This is the salary for a company employee. It does not include what an employer pays in benefits, unemployment taxes, and vacation/sick time.
Adjusting for Independent Consultant
As an independent consultant, you need to adjust an employee's salary to include costs paid by the employer that you will now pay as an independent. These include overhead costs, profit margin, marketing and sales, health insurance, and non-billed hours for education, vacation, and sickness. A quick Rule of Thumb to convert an employee salary to independent consultant billing rate is multiplying the salary rate for your niche and specialty by 2X to 3X. Remember, you are not an employee. You are a business with overhead and expenses not shown in the salary.
Learn how to calculate your consulting rates at,
Calculating Consulting Fees
Construction Consultant
Construction consultants guide construction companies in structuring and building their business in normal business areas such as managing, marketing, sales, and operations.
There are many knowledge domains within construction consulting from initial planning, to surveying, contracting, architecture, and building. Construction consultants prevent time delays and cost overruns.
Construction Consultant Salary
Find out what the most current salaries are for employees working in a similar function to you as a consultant by going to,
The average salary for a construction consultant employed and on salary was $80,908. This was from a survey of 13,000 salaries of construction superintendents and reported to www.Indeed.com in the United States on June 17, 2022. No bonus was reported.
This is the salary for a company employee. It does not include what an employer pays in benefits, unemployment taxes, and vacation/sick times.
Adjusting for Independent Consultant
As an independent consultant, you need to adjust an employee's salary to include costs paid by the employer that you will now pay as an independent. These include overhead costs, profit margin, marketing and sales, health insurance, and non-billed hours for education, vacation, and sickness. A quick Rule of Thumb to convert an employee salary to independent consultant billing rate is multiplying the salary rate for your niche and specialty by 2X to 3X. Remember, you are not an employee. You are a business with overhead and expenses not shown in the salary.
Learn how to calculate your consulting rates at,
Calculating Consulting Fees
Digital Transformation Consultant
Digital transformation consultants help organizations increase their performance through innovative technology. This field exploded during the COVID-19 pandemic as global supply chains broke and workers were forced to work from home. The release of Generative AI in December 2022 caused a second mass movement toward digital transformation.
Considerable data shows that companies that transform with digital transformation accelerate their workflow and increase profitability. As a digital transformation consultant, you may work in many different industries and always with teams of people whose jobs and workflows are being transformed.
Digital Transformation Consultant Salary
Find out what the most current salaries are for employees working in a similar function to you as a consultant by going to,
The average salary for a digital transformation consultant employed and on salary was $119,282. This was from a survey of 73 salaries reported to www.Indeed.com in the United States on June 3, 2022. No bonus was reported.
This is the salary for a company employee. It does not include what an employer pays in benefits, unemployment taxes, and vacation/sick times.
Adjusting for Independent Consultant
As an independent consultant, you need to adjust an employee's salary to include costs paid by the employer that you will now pay as an independent. These include overhead costs, profit margin, marketing and sales, health insurance, and non-billed hours for education, vacation, and sickness. A quick Rule of Thumb to convert an employee salary to independent consultant billing rate is multiplying the salary rate for your niche and specialty by 2X to 3X. Remember, you are not an employee. You are a business with overhead and expenses not shown in the salary.
Learn how to calculate your consulting rates at,
Calculating Consulting Fees
eCommerce Consultant
eCommerce consultants help businesses sell their products and services online. They may integrate multiple software and SaaS applications to create a system that automates the sales and delivery process from product display to payment to delivery.
eCommerce consultants may be experts in just one eCommerce application, or they may help an organization select the best software or SaaS for their situation.
eCommerce Consultant Salary
Find out what the most current salaries are for employees working in a similar function to you as a consultant by going to,
The average salary for an eCommerce consultant employed and on salary was $77,469. This was from a survey of 7 salaries reported to www.Indeed.com in the United States on May 12, 2022. No bonus was reported.
This is the salary for a company employee. It does not include what an employer pays in benefits, unemployment taxes, and vacation/sick times.
Adjusting for Independent Consultant
As an independent consultant, you need to adjust an employee's salary to include costs paid by the employer that you will now pay as an independent. These include overhead costs, profit margin, marketing and sales, health insurance, and non-billed hours for education, vacation, and sickness. A quick Rule of Thumb to convert an employee salary to independent consultant billing rate is multiplying the salary rate for your niche and specialty by 2X to 3X. Remember, you are not an employee. You are a business with overhead and expenses not shown in the salary.
Learn how to calculate your consulting rates at,
Calculating Consulting Fees
Educational Consultant
Educational consultants create educational systems with students, parents, teachers, and educational organizations. They must stay current on the best learning technologies and instructional design methods, make recommendations, and develop strategies for schools and districts.
Educational Consultant Salary
Find out what the most current salaries are for employees working in a similar function to you as a consultant by going to,
The average salary for an educational consultant employed and on salary was $65,632. This was from a survey of 49 salaries reported to www.Indeed.com in the United States on June 15, 2022. No bonus was reported.
This is the salary for a company employee. It does not include what an employer pays in benefits, unemployment taxes, and vacation/sick times.
Adjusting for Independent Consultant
As an independent consultant, you need to adjust an employee's salary to include costs paid by the employer that you will now pay as an independent. These include overhead costs, profit margin, marketing and sales, health insurance, and non-billed hours for education, vacation, and sickness. A quick Rule of Thumb to convert an employee salary to independent consultant billing rate is multiplying the salary rate for your niche and specialty by 2X to 3X. Remember, you are not an employee. You are a business with overhead and expenses not shown in the salary.
Learn how to calculate your consulting rates at,
Calculating Consulting Fees
Environmental Consultant
Environmental consultants advise business, scientific, and governmental organizations on how to handle environmental issues. These issues include air and water pollution, water conservation, developing wildlife conservation areas, forest management, and more. They balance an expert knowledge of the environment and ecology with business objectives and government regulations.
With the catastrophic impacts of Global Climate Change just beginning to hit, all the major consulting firms have started consulting divisions for Environmental and Sustainable Consulting. It is a rapidly growing niche for independent consultants working at regional levels.
Environmental Consultant Salary
Find out what the most current salaries are for employees working in a similar function to you as a consultant by going to,
The average salary for an environmental consultant employed and on salary was $74,084. This was from a survey of 1,900 salaries reported to www.Indeed.com in the United States on June 19, 2022. No bonus was reported.
This is the salary for a company employee. It does not include what an employer pays in benefits, unemployment taxes, and vacation/sick times.
Adjusting for Independent Consultant
As an independent consultant, you need to adjust an employee's salary to include costs paid by the employer that you will now pay as an independent. These include overhead costs, profit margin, marketing and sales, health insurance, and non-billed hours for education, vacation, and sickness. A quick Rule of Thumb to convert an employee salary to independent consultant billing rate is multiplying the salary rate for your niche and specialty by 2X to 3X. Remember, you are not an employee. You are a business with overhead and expenses not shown in the salary.
Learn how to calculate your consulting rates at,
Calculating Consulting Fees
Financial Consultant
Financial consultants work with an organization’s chief financial officer and strategic planners to reach a company’s financial objectives. Financial consultants usually have significant training in the financial methods and laws specific to their industry.
A financial consultant may also help an organization manage their capital investments, project costs, taxes, etc.
Financial Consultant Salary
Find out what the most current salaries are for employees working in a similar function to you as a consultant by going to
The average salary for a financial consultant employed and on salary was $79,014. This was from a survey of 531 salaries reported to www.Indeed.com in the United States on June 16, 2022. No bonus was reported.
This is the salary for a company employee. It does not include what an employer pays in benefits, unemployment taxes, and vacation/sick time.
Adjusting for Independent Consultant
As an independent consultant, you need to adjust an employee's salary to include costs paid by the employer that you will now pay as an independent. These include overhead costs, profit margin, marketing and sales, health insurance, and non-billed hours for education, vacation, and sickness. A quick Rule of Thumb to convert an employee salary to independent consultant billing rate is multiplying the salary rate for your niche and specialty by 2X to 3X. Remember, you are not an employee. You are a business with overhead and expenses not shown in the salary.
Learn how to calculate your consulting rates at,
Calculating Consulting Fees
Human Resources (HR) Consultant
Human resource consultants work with executives to plan and hire employees to reach organizational objectives. HR consultants must also monitor employee training, health, morale, and legal compliance. Startup companies often need assistance from HR consultants as they rapidly grow.
Human Resources Consultant Salary
Find out what the most current salaries are for employees working in a similar function to you as a consultant by going to,
The average salary for a human resources consultant employed and on salary was $79,101. This was from a survey of 256 salaries reported to www.Indeed.com in the United States on June 17, 2022. No bonus was reported.
This is the salary for a company employee. It does not include what an employer pays in benefits, unemployment taxes, and vacation/sick times.
Adjusting for Independent Consultant
As an independent consultant, you need to adjust an employee's salary to include costs paid by the employer that you will now pay as an independent. These include overhead costs, profit margin, marketing and sales, health insurance, and non-billed hours for education, vacation, and sickness. A quick Rule of Thumb to convert an employee salary to independent consultant billing rate is multiplying the salary rate for your niche and specialty by 2X to 3X. Remember, you are not an employee. You are a business with overhead and expenses not shown in the salary.
Learn how to calculate your consulting rates at,
Calculating Consulting Fees
Information Technology (IT) Consultant
IT consultants advise businesses and executives on IT decisions and strategies. They can be heavily involved with digital transformation, developing eCommerce solutions, blockchain technology, big data, AI, and the buildout of startup businesses. There is a wide range of opportunities in IT so it is important to develop a niche expertise and consulting brand in an area of high growth and high bottom line impact.
Information Technology Consultant Salary
Find out what the most current salaries are for employees working in a similar function to you as a consultant by going to,
The average salary for an IT consultant employed and on salary was $76,836 plus cash bonus of $5,000 per year. This was from a survey of 1,400 salaries reported to www.Indeed.com in the United States on June 18, 2022.
This is the salary for a company employee. It does not include what an employer pays in benefits, unemployment taxes, and vacation/sick times.
Adjusting for Independent Consultant
As an independent consultant, you need to adjust an employee's salary to include costs paid by the employer that you will now pay as an independent. These include overhead costs, profit margin, marketing and sales, health insurance, and non-billed hours for education, vacation, and sickness. A quick Rule of Thumb to convert an employee salary to independent consultant billing rate is multiplying the salary rate for your niche and specialty by 2X to 3X. Remember, you are not an employee. You are a business with overhead and expenses not shown in the salary.
Learn how to calculate your consulting rates at,
Calculating Consulting Fees
Legal Consultant
Legal consultants advise management on legal and government regulatory issues that impact the business. Often, legal consultants are part of a team with members who specialize in specific fields. Legal consultants also advise businesses on how to avoid legal disputes. If a company is engaged in a legal issue, the legal consultant can act as a strategist on how to proceed.
Legal Advisor/Consultant Salary
Find out what the most current salaries are for employees working in a similar function to you as a consultant by going to,
The average salary for a legal advisor employed and on salary was $94,586. This was from a survey of 12 salaries reported to www.Indeed.com in the United States on June 17, 2022. No bonus was reported.
This is the salary for a company employee. It does not include what an employer pays in benefits, unemployment taxes, and vacation/sick times.
Adjusting for Independent Consultant
As an independent consultant, you need to adjust an employee's salary to include costs paid by the employer that you will now pay as an independent. These include overhead costs, profit margin, marketing and sales, health insurance, and non-billed hours for education, vacation, and sickness. A quick Rule of Thumb to convert an employee salary to independent consultant billing rate is multiplying the salary rate for your niche and specialty by 2X to 3X. Remember, you are not an employee. You are a business with overhead and expenses not shown in the salary.
Learn how to calculate your consulting rates at,
Calculating Consulting Fees
Management Consultant
Management consultants advise senior management on a wide range of business practices. Their advice is on the daily top-down management tasks, teams, and projects that all organizations face. Their purpose is to improve the operating efficiency and profitability of the business. The range of business skills needed are so wide that this type of consulting requires years of experience, usually as a senior executive doing the same job they the executives they are advising.
Management Consultant Salary
Find out what the most current salaries are for employees working in a similar function to you as a consultant by going to,
The average salary for a management consultant employed and on salary was $99,677. This was from a survey of 514 salaries reported to www.Indeed.com in the United States on June 18, 2022. No bonus was reported.
This is the salary for a company employee. It does not include what an employer pays in benefits, unemployment taxes, and vacation/sick times.
Adjusting for Independent Consultant
As an independent consultant, you need to adjust an employee's salary to include costs paid by the employer that you will now pay as an independent. These include overhead costs, profit margin, marketing and sales, health insurance, and non-billed hours for education, vacation, and sickness. A quick Rule of Thumb to convert an employee salary to independent consultant billing rate is multiplying the salary rate for your niche and specialty by 2X to 3X. Remember, you are not an employee. You are a business with overhead and expenses not shown in the salary.
Learn how to calculate your consulting rates at,
Calculating Consulting Fees
Marketing Consultant
Marketing consultant help organizations plan, build, and execute marketing systems and funnels that attract new clients, retain existing clients, identify new products/services, and identify new target audiences.
Marketing, like technology, is rapidly changing so marketing consultants must be constantly abreast of new channels, media, content, and deliver systems and know how to coordinate and integrate them to reach the organization’s goals. They supply overarching guidance and coordination between niche domain consultants like eCommerce, web design, content creation, social media, and search engine optimization (SEO).
Marketing Consultant Salary
Find out what the most current salaries are for employees working in a similar function to you as a consultant by going to,
The average salary for a marketing consultant employed and on salary was $55,777. This was from a survey of 267 salaries reported to www.Indeed.com in the United States on June 16, 2022. No bonus was reported.
This is the salary for a company employee. It does not include what an employer pays in benefits, unemployment taxes, and vacation/sick times.
Adjusting for Independent Consultant
As an independent consultant, you need to adjust an employee's salary to include costs paid by the employer that you will now pay as an independent. These include overhead costs, profit margin, marketing and sales, health insurance, and non-billed hours for education, vacation, and sickness. A quick Rule of Thumb to convert an employee salary to independent consultant billing rate is multiplying the salary rate for your niche and specialty by 2X to 3X. Remember, you are not an employee. You are a business with overhead and expenses not shown in the salary.
Learn how to calculate your consulting rates at,
Calculating Consulting Fees
Operations Consultant
Operations consultants guide businesses in improving the production, efficiency, and workflow of their operations. They use data and statistical sciences as tools to measure and improve operations.
Similar to a management consulting they can work in many areas of an organization, from marketing to sales, and manufacturing to delivery. Senior executives with experience in many fields have the experience to become operations consultants.
Operations Consultant Salary
Find out what the most current salaries are for employees working in a similar function to you as a consultant by going to,
The average salary for an operations consultant employed and on salary was $76,989. This was from a survey of 862 salaries reported to www.Indeed.com in the United States on June 17, 2022. No bonus was reported.
This is the salary for a company employee. It does not include what an employer pays in benefits, unemployment taxes, and vacation/sick times.
Adjusting for Independent Consultant
As an independent consultant, you need to adjust an employee's salary to include costs paid by the employer that you will now pay as an independent. These include overhead costs, profit margin, marketing and sales, health insurance, and non-billed hours for education, vacation, and sickness. A quick Rule of Thumb to convert an employee salary to independent consultant billing rate is to multiply the salary rate for your niche and specialty by 2X to 3X. Remember, you are not an employee; you are a business with overhead and expenses not shown in the salary.
Learn how to calculate your consulting rates at,
Calculating Consulting Fees
Process Consultant
Business process consultants improve the speed, quality, and performance in business processes. Much like management consultants, they can apply their skills to many areas.
Process consultants are highly trained in process analysis, workflow, statistical and quality analysis, and specific areas such as Six Sigma and Kaizen. Businesses do not hire many times process consultants until they have grown at a rate that leaves them disorganized with inefficient processes, quality, and performance.
Business Process Consultant Salary
Find out what the most current salaries are for employees working in a similar function to you as a consultant by going to,
The average salary for a process consultant employed and on salary was $73,430 and $7,500 profit sharing. This was from a survey of 968 salaries reported to www.Indeed.com in the United States on June 17, 2022.
This is the salary for a company employee. It does not include what an employer pays in benefits, unemployment taxes, and vacation/sick times.
Adjusting for Independent Consultant
As an independent consultant, you need to adjust an employee's salary to include costs paid by the employer that you will now pay as an independent. These include overhead costs, profit margin, marketing and sales, health insurance, and non-billed hours for education, vacation, and sickness. A quick Rule of Thumb to convert an employee salary to independent consultant billing rate is to multiply the salary rate for your niche and specialty by 2X to 3X. Remember, you are not an employee; you are a business that has overhead and expenses that are not shown in the salary.
Learn how to calculate your consulting rates at,
Calculating Consulting Fees
Public Relations Consultant
Public relations consultants work hand-in-glove with brand consultants and brand managers to manage and improve the image of a business or organization. However, public relations consultants focus on the “public” in public relations. They are the liaison and communicator between the business and the public. They may produce promotional materials and information content and manage both communications and content during a crisis.
Public Relations Consultant Salary
Find out what the most current salaries are for employees working in a similar function to you as a consultant by going to
The average salary for a public relations consultant employed and on salary was $55,445. This was from a survey of 840 salaries reported to www.Indeed.com in the United States on June 19, 2022. No bonus was reported.
This is the salary for a company employee. It does not include what an employer pays in benefits, unemployment taxes, and vacation/sick time.
Adjusting for Independent Consultant
As an independent consultant, you need to adjust an employee's salary to include costs paid by the employer that you will now pay as an independent. These include overhead costs, profit margin, marketing and sales, health insurance, and non-billed hours for education, vacation, and sickness. A quick Rule of Thumb to convert an employee salary to independent consultant billing rate is to multiply the salary rate for your niche and specialty by 2X to 3X. Remember, you are not an employee; you are a business that has overhead and expenses that are not shown in the salary.
Learn how to calculate your consulting rates at,
Calculating Consulting Fees
Sales Consultant
Sales consultants bring an outside perspective and performance to a business’s sales pipeline and sales methods. They work with the Chief Sales Officer and Chief Marketing Officer to increase the client base, profit margin, and sales revenue. Sales consultants may also advise the CSO and CMO on moving into new markets, new sales methods, new target audiences, and competition.
Sales Consultant Salary
Find out what the most current salaries are for employees working in a similar function to you as a consultant by going to,
The average salary for a sales consultant employed and on salary was $67,303 and $21,600 in yearly commission. This was from a survey of 25,700 salaries reported to www.Indeed.com in the United States on June 19, 2022.
This is the salary for a company employee. It does not include what an employer pays in benefits, unemployment taxes, and vacation/sick times.
Adjusting for Independent Consultant
As an independent consultant, you need to adjust an employee's salary to include costs paid by the employer that you will now pay as an independent. These include overhead costs, profit margin, marketing and sales, health insurance, and non-billed hours for education, vacation, and sickness. A quick Rule of Thumb to convert an employee salary to independent consultant billing rate is multiplying the salary rate for your niche and specialty by 2X to 3X. Remember, you are not an employee; you are a business with overhead and expenses not shown in the salary.
Learn how to calculate your consulting rates at,
Calculating Consulting Fees
Strategy Consultant
Strategy consultants help the organization facilitate executives to create a plan for the company’s future. Having just a long-range plan is worthless. Good strategy consultants work with leadership at all levels in the organization to develop plans, objectives, and programs that are aligned and that all levels can work toward.
Strategy consultants begin with competitive and market analysis, facilitate executive meetings to define long-range goals and objectives, and then work through department-level management and line contributors to create workable, measurable plans that can be executed.
Strategy Consultant Salary
Find out what the most current salaries are for employees working in a similar function to you as a consultant by going to,
Indeed.com does not have a salary for strategy employees, but their functions are similar in knowledge and impact to a management consultant with a diverse background and years of experience. The average salary for a business management consultant employed and on salary was $99,677 and $7,000 in profit sharing. This was from a survey of 514 salaries reported to www.Indeed.com in the United States on June 18, 2022.
This is the salary for a company employee. It does not include what an employer pays in benefits, unemployment taxes, and vacation/sick times.
Adjusting for Independent Consultant
As an independent consultant, you need to adjust an employee's salary to include costs paid by the employer that you will now pay as an independent. These include overhead costs, profit margin, marketing and sales, health insurance, and non-billed hours for education, vacation, and sickness. A quick Rule of Thumb to convert an employee salary to independent consultant billing rate is multiplying the salary rate for your niche and specialty by 2X to 3X. Remember, you are not an employee; you are a business that has overhead and expenses that are not shown in the salary.
Learn how to calculate your consulting rates at,
Calculating Consulting Fees
Supply Chain Consultant
Supply chain consultants help clients improve their logistics network. They work with management at all levels to find and resolve problems with purchasing, distribution, material handling, warehousing, and inventory. They aim to reduce costs, increase speed, reduce risk, and improve efficiency.
The combination of supply chain problems from the COVID-19 epidemic combined with the authoritarian-populist-nationalist movements has created global supply chain problems and increased economic problems globally. Supply chain consultants are in demand.
Supply Chain Consultant Salary
Find out what the most current salaries are for employees working in a similar function to you as a consultant by going to,
The average salary for a supply chain consultant employed and on salary was $76,453. This was from a survey of 3,700 salaries reported to www.Indeed.com in the United States on June 19, 2022. No bonus was reported.
This is the salary for a company employee. It does not include what an employer pays in benefits, unemployment taxes, and vacation/sick time.
Adjusting for Independent Consultant
As an independent consultant, you need to adjust an employee's salary to include costs paid by the employer that you will now pay as an independent. These include overhead costs, profit margin, marketing and sales, health insurance, and non-billed hours for education, vacation, and sickness. A quick Rule of Thumb to convert an employee salary to independent consultant billing rate is to multiply the salary rate for your niche and specialty by 2X to 3X. Remember, you are not an employee, you are a business that has overhead and expenses that are not shown in the salary.
Learn how to calculate your consulting rates at,
Calculating Consulting Fees
Sustainability Consultant
Sustainability consultants work to reduce energy use. With global climate change's severe and increasing impact, sustainability consultants have ethical, regulatory, and efficiency/cost reduction objectives.
Sustainability consultants need to be knowledgeable in the technology of reducing energy use and the government regulations on pollution and energy use while also having the ability to communicate and facilitate stakeholders in business, government, and the public. The areas of sustainability and environment are increasing so rapidly that large consulting firms have opened divisions in 2021/22 targeting sustainability and environmental consulting.
Sustainability Consultant Salary
Find out what the most current salaries are for employees working in a similar function to you as a consultant by going to,
The average salary for a sustainability consultant employed and on salary was $81,045. This was from a survey of 47 salaries reported to www.Indeed.com in the United States on June 18, 2022. No bonus was reported.
This is the salary for a company employee. It does not include what an employer pays in benefits, unemployment taxes, and vacation/sick time.
Adjusting for Independent Consultant
As an independent consultant, you need to adjust an employee's salary to include costs paid by the employer that you will now pay as an independent. These include overhead costs, profit margin, marketing and sales, health insurance, and non-billed hours for education, vacation, and sickness. A quick Rule of Thumb to convert an employee salary to an independent consultant billing rate is multiplying the salary rate for your niche and specialty by 2X to 3X. Remember, you are not an employee; you are a business that has overhead and expenses that are not shown in the salary.
Learn how to calculate your consulting rates at,
Calculating Consulting Fees
Learn More in Blogs on this Topic:
Calculating Your Consulting Fees - How Do You Compare?
9 Consulting Fee Structures to Boost Your Income
How to Increase Your Consulting Fees and Rates